Your Wine on Water Support means a great deal
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While Wine on Water is enormous fun for our guests, this event brings so much more to our community.
This is the flagship fundraising event for the Rotary Club of St Francis and every penny raised goes towards supporting Rotary projects in greater St Francis along with the many charities serving the community. These include those looking after our environment, the NSRI, the school and pre-schools in Sea Vista and child welfare organisations, our senior citizens, various animal welfare charities, and our Victim Support Unit .
But of particular significance is the employment opportunity to the young men and women of Sea Vista, who serve as the extremely important deck and street marshalls, keeping everyone safe and ensuring the event flows smoothly.
This year we were able to offer a work experience opportunity to one of the young matriculants introduced to us through the Sibanye Ladies group in Sea Vista. These opportunities go a long way to assisting these young folk who face a daily struggle to find employment in increasingly difficult times.
And then last but not least, our Wine on Water guests bring a much needed economic injection to our tourism sector and local businesses, and the spin-off of that is more employment.
The Rotary Club of St Francis is proud to be of service!
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WoW 2023 Thanks
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…and That’s a Wrap for WINE ON WATER 2023 THANK YOU!
Thank you to all our guests who supported Wine on Water 2023, your generous support is overwhelming.
A huge thank you to our fantastic sponsors, Investec who make this possible, and to St Francis Tourism for their guidance and support.
Special thanks go to the St Francis Bay Riparian Association and their staff for all of their assistance and support enabling us to make use of the beautiful waterways under their management.
To all our home owners who hosted our wine estates on their decks, boat owners and skippers for their amazing service, participating restaurants, and many more - your generosity is much appreciated.
AND to our fabulous wine estates - Thank you - we couldn’t do it without you!
Of course there are thanks due to some of our loyal service providers that make this event possible, particularly our web designers, DNA Online, St Francis Today for all our publicity for this year's event, Sandy Coffey for the fabulous photography for you all to enjoy, and TCS for our WiFi.
Finally, to our Marshalls and volunteers THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU
From everyone at The Rotary Club of St Francis a heartfelt THANK YOU…..see you next year!
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Photo Gallery for 2023
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Photo Credits to Sandy Coffey
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WOW 2023 Raffle Winner
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The winner of our the 2023 Wine on Water Raffle for 31 cases generously donated by each of the estates attending this year’s event was a delighted Peter Carey, a St Francis Bay resident, seen here accepting his prize from raffle master, Rotarian Tom Roux.
Thank you to all of the estates for so happily supporting our fundraiser and all those hopefuls who bought tickets which – literally WOW!!! – raised over R100 000.00! Every penny raised by the raffle and the Wine on Water event goes to the Rotary Club of St Francis projects and local charities benefitting our community.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making Wine on Water the great success that it is – particularly to our sponsors Investec and to the Quays for hosting our registration and launch site.
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WOW 2022 Ticket Holder Proceedings
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The Rotary Club of St Francis and Investec are once again hosting Wine on Water, which takes place on the beautiful St Francis Bay waterways on 24 & 25 February 2023. The event is the Club’s flagship fundraising event, and all proceeds go toward community upliftment projects and local charities.
A hop-on hop-off experience, ticketholders will have the opportunity to taste wines from over 30 wine estates with some of the best South African wines on offer, as well as some award winning locally produced gin and craft beer.
Members of the public also have an opportunity to win a case of what’s on offer by purchasing a raffle ticket on Quicket for R200 per ticket.
The event is completely sold out but for those lucky enough to have tickets here’s how to get started :
You must present the ticket documentation that you received from Quicket when arriving at the ticket desk at The Quays Restaurant located in Sea Glades Drive to register and collect your WoW kit. You can present this information on your cell phones however, we recommend you print this documentation out if possible.
If you booked through Quicket and can’t find your tickets, please contact Quicket on 021 424 9308 or [email protected] for them to be re-sent to you.
We encourage you to register in advance to beat the queue!
Collect your wrist band, WoW souvenir tasting tasting glass and map at the ticket desk from 12h00 until 17h00 on Thursday 23rd February and from 10h00 to 16h00 on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th February at the ticket desk at Quays Restaurant in Sea Glades Drive.
Your Map and information booklet contains everything you need to know along with notes on event etiquette, and other useful information.
NB : Your WoW wrist band must be worn at all times during the event to give you access to the barges and wine tasting decks. NO BAND, NO ENTRY!
Once registered, you can plan your route and start from 12 noon on both Friday 24th & Saturday 25th at any point on the WoW map. Remember you can move between tasting points by barge, vehicle, Tuk Tuk service or on foot.
Please note : The Rotary Club of St Francis accepts no responsibility for tickets which have not been bought on the official sales platform at Quicket.
What you need to know for a happy and safe WoW experience :
- Wear your wristband at all times – NO BAND NO ENTRY !
- Please respect the wine hosting properties which have been donated for your enjoyment, tastings are restricted to the deck / garden area only.
- Toilets are available for guests to use, please do not trespass beyond the bathroom area – these are private homes.
- Wine tasting is only allowed on the deck in the tasting area – no drinking / smoking on jetties or barges
- For your safety and comfort please wear flat shoes if travelling on the barges. No high heels will be allowed.
- The jetties can hold limited numbers of people at one time. The Jetty Manager will advise when it is safe to move on/off the barge. Please wait for his direction.
- This is an over 18 event, no children.
- When buying wine please arrange delivery or collection with the wine farm. No boxes of wine to be taken onto the barges.
- Food and water will be available at various points on the route, no food consumption on barges.
- The barges will move in a clockwise direction only around the route on the canals. You can join the event from any point on the route once you have collected your wristband.
- There is no limit to how many times you travel the route – by land or water.
- The barge skipper and jetty manager have the authority to refuse access to barges to anyone deemed unfit for travel. Their word is final
- Be responsible – don’t drink and drive – see the back page of the programme for local taxi services
- Enjoy your WoW experience!
Keep an eye on our Website (, Facebook ( and Instagram pages for more information on the participating wine estates and any other news and tips.
Wine on Water 2022 - What a Jol!
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All images © Sandy Coffey Photography
It’s a strange concept involving incredible logistics and heavy carrying. Still, in essence, Rotary St Francis organised and held 50 different parties over Friday and Saturday, with refreshments.
Without wishing to detract from the finesse and polished acts of some of the incredible wine stations over the Wine On Water weekend, each station involved strangers, a few groupings of friends and some old friends getting together, talking friendly chat and banter, some music, a few designated barge drivers, drinking wine, people enjoying the beauty of our environment and have a few snacks to go with it all. Isn’t that, in essence, what a party is?
Why 50?
There were 24 stations and the HQ, that is, The Quays and the event took place over two days, so 25 parties twice are 50 parties.
Wine On Water 2022 was 50 very cool parties, back-to-back, brought to us by Rotary St Francis. What a jol. Highlights were too many to mention. The barge with the Progressive House music blasting was one, stations 7 and 8 was a combined house party from De Grendel and Mt Vernon that was hard to leave, and Warwick had some excellent hamburgers going down at just the right time to soak up some of the grape juice. Eagles Nest at Big Time Taverna was fun, and the rest of the stations were all pumping, especially towards the end.
Anton Smit sculptures lit up the stations, and the gees and friendly vibes were quite a thing to experience.
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Strangers made friends with other strangers, old friends reunited for the first time in ages, some even in years, locals assisted at stations that were undermanned and under pressure (thanks, Shelley). But, all in, the vibe was just really relaxed.
As an inaugural event, Wine On Water 2022 shot the lights out, which is equally celebratory and problematic at the same time. Celebratory that a truly wonderful event was pulled off with complete success. Problematic in the fact that, where to from here? To up the game in 2023 will be a helluva thing, but I’m sure that the team who managed this year’s event has a few more tricks up their collective sleeve. Well done to Investec for having the vision to support this amazing event.
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For those that attended, that was awesome. Thanks for the good times. For those that didn’t participate, there’s always next year. For those two little kids who took my party back to The Quays in their little boat, despite us shouting and screaming at all and sundry and being as difficult as possible, you little champs!
2022 Wine On Water a Great Success
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The Rotary Club of St Francis would like to thank the broader community of St Francis for the resounding support for our Wine on Water event. We would also like to acknowledge and thank our sponsors Investec, for having the vision to believe in this event and to stand by us through two years of COVID down time. We hope to welcome Investec back as our event’s sponsors for many years to come!
The event has raised over R200 000.00 towards the many projects our Club supports and administers and this is in no short measure due to our community getting behind us to ensure the event’s success.
In particular we need to thank those home owners who generously allowed us to host wine estates on their beautiful decks, the many barge and boat owners who offered us the use of their boats and skippers to transport our guests on the waterways and to all those who volunteered and worked selflessly and tirelessly behind the scenes without whom managing the logistics would have been nearly impossible.
A special word of thanks must go to the young men and women of Sea Vista who were employed over the two days as deck and street marshals. They embraced the opportunity with enthusiasm and their work was so appreciated by our guests that they received a standing ovation at Quays Restaurant as they came off the barges at the end of the event.
Last but certainly not least a big thank you to the wine estates who supported the event so professionally and the various food vendors and restaurants who threw in their support wholeheartedly!
We hope to welcome you all back next year!
So – Save the date – 24th and 25th February 2023!
Photo Gallery for Wine On Water 2022
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Photo Credits to Sandy Coffey
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